Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How Could School Be Different?

How Could School Be Different

I know that ive only been in the high school for a couple days but the classes seem a litttle long. At the middle school (http://wms.svrsu.org/) we had shorter classes, they were around 50 minutes. That was much better. You could have more classes in the day. You might not get as much information in if you had a longer class but there would be a smaller amount of kids that are board. If you are sitting in a chair for over an hour you are going to get board, no matter what what your doing. I've heard many students complaining about the time. Maybe you could shorten the classes. That way we could be learning in a bigger range of classes. If students had shorter classes that means there is a better chance that students would pay attention because the class does not drag out. You would have to go through things such as homework or other assignments quicker so there would not be time to goof off. How would this change the school? Well this would allow students to have more classes a day and even a year. That means they would have learned a wider range of classes a day. You could also have more credits every year.
I also have another thing that we could change in our school community is take away computers. They are a huge distraction, even though they help us out a lot they are still a huge distraction. Some students use them to help them work, but then there is a huge amount of students that use these laptops in a wrong way during school and out of school. Students play games, look up stuff the you shouldn't do when your at school. Then when students have a assignment that you have to work on, on your computer there is a lot of kids that play games when you should be working on a assignment. Then when it's due they end up not having it done they end up failing that class or that assignments. I have seen it hundreds of times. So if we take computers out then there wouldn't be as big as a distraction(http://www.infostormgadget.com/2012/02/27/pros-and-cons-of-using-laptops-in-classrooms/)
Thats the reason why I dont think we need computers in school systems.

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