Saturday, October 13, 2012

Using Resources Correctly

In web 2.0 lately we have been using a lot of resources to write our blogs. Resources like diigo,twitter, evernote and Google alert. These resources us help us write our blog each week they help us with find out our information and gett our information out in the world. I hope to use these tools not only now but when I need to write research papers in college.

Twitter is a very valuable website many people use this site for just messing around and talking about stuff that doesn't matter. But me and my classmates are using twitter for informational purposes only its a way to get information out around the world. This is how we get our blogs (on to the web and around the world) and so others can learn about your topic you are talking about. Take a look a my twitter account

The other resource we are using is diigo. Diigo is a little different then twitter because in diigo is for bookmarking sites and going back and looking at the information that's on the websites. Here is my diigo account check out my bookmarks! There you will see what I have been researching. Lately I have been researching becoming a Maine Game Warden and on my diigo you will see what you have to do to become a game warden and other information
that they do in there everyday job. There are so many requirements to become a Game Warden.

  Evernote, my first initial reaction to evernote was "O another account I wasn't to amused that we had to make another account to be honest but then after I started using it I was glad we made it. I have used it so much, just writing down little notes so I can remember key points in what I was reading.

Google alert, I really don't know what to think of Google alert its kinda confusing. It very useful once I got it to work. But it took a little while to get it started. As I typed in things I wanted to know about my topic(becoming a Maine Game Warden) I was writing down notes in my evernote account so I don't forget important facts. So Google alert and evernote work together. Google alert is for looking up information and evernote is for taking notes about the information we have gathered so that we can write our blogs

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