Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Game Warden

         All my life I have been interested in Maines wildlife, from animals to fish to the trees. In the last couple years I have found a job that does that . That job is to be a Maine Game Warden. I believe becoming a Maine Game Warden will allow me to do what I love to do and that is to be around nature. A Game Warden's job is to protect the wildlife from the people who are taking advantage of it and doing illegal stuff towards these animals. They enforce the laws of hunting, fishing and trapping.
          Game Wardens play a huge role in todays world because if we did not have them there would be a much smaller population of all animals. We would have less animals because people take advantage of the animals. So if we did not have Game Wardens some of these would probably go extinct.
           To become a Maine Game Warden you have to be pretty knowlegable regarding fishing, hunting and the outdoors. Also you have to be able to work alone in remote places and be open to moving to a different part of Maine. To be a Game Warden you have to have a High School diploma and be 21 of age.
            Becoming a Maine Game Warden would be really beneficial because it would let me gain knowledge about the wildlife that is around us. This would really help me with my long term goal because my long term goal is to make a good living provide for my family and be very knowledgeable in everything I do. So this would be a great start for the my long term goal.
            There are so many laws for hunting, fishing and trapping. There are so many people that obey them and so many that don't. Thats why we have Game Wardens so they can catch the people that are disobeying them. Like there are so many people that poach deer and part of these game wardens job is to find those people.
            History of Maine Game Wardens goes back to 1880. The reason the maine game service occurred is because two men were caught killing a doe in the wrong season. So it was early that next year people started to think of people to be like police but only for the animals. So thats how they came up with game wardens.


  1. Great post Brycson! This was a very informational post! Would you like to be a game warden in any other state other than Maine? Are the laws in other states different from the ones in Maine? Thanks,

  2. Kennedy thanks for commenting on my blog! Well my first choice would to be a game warden in maine if I would have to go to another state to get a job I would have to do really think about that. Yes and no there is some laws that are the same and some are not but some are very close.
    Thanks again for commenting!
