Saturday, October 13, 2012

Using Resources Correctly

In web 2.0 lately we have been using a lot of resources to write our blogs. Resources like diigo,twitter, evernote and Google alert. These resources us help us write our blog each week they help us with find out our information and gett our information out in the world. I hope to use these tools not only now but when I need to write research papers in college.

Twitter is a very valuable website many people use this site for just messing around and talking about stuff that doesn't matter. But me and my classmates are using twitter for informational purposes only its a way to get information out around the world. This is how we get our blogs (on to the web and around the world) and so others can learn about your topic you are talking about. Take a look a my twitter account

The other resource we are using is diigo. Diigo is a little different then twitter because in diigo is for bookmarking sites and going back and looking at the information that's on the websites. Here is my diigo account check out my bookmarks! There you will see what I have been researching. Lately I have been researching becoming a Maine Game Warden and on my diigo you will see what you have to do to become a game warden and other information
that they do in there everyday job. There are so many requirements to become a Game Warden.

  Evernote, my first initial reaction to evernote was "O another account I wasn't to amused that we had to make another account to be honest but then after I started using it I was glad we made it. I have used it so much, just writing down little notes so I can remember key points in what I was reading.

Google alert, I really don't know what to think of Google alert its kinda confusing. It very useful once I got it to work. But it took a little while to get it started. As I typed in things I wanted to know about my topic(becoming a Maine Game Warden) I was writing down notes in my evernote account so I don't forget important facts. So Google alert and evernote work together. Google alert is for looking up information and evernote is for taking notes about the information we have gathered so that we can write our blogs

Friday, October 5, 2012

Game Warden Questions


I have some ideas on who I could do a interview with. Well my father knows some of the wardens that are in the area so I was thinking about talking with them to see if this is something I really want to get in to.
When I get ready to start pursuing my goal to become a Game Warden, I could spend a day with a Game warden and just see what they do in a normal day of work.
I would love to maybe even do that for a week so I could see If I could see myself doing that job. This is a job were you don't know what your plan is for each day it can change at anytime. That's also another reason why I like this job your doing a different thing each day.
This is a good video representing what types of things game wardens do.

If I do get into becoming a Game Warden there would be a lot of cons like long hours,working on weekends, not a lot of free time to do what you love like for me not much time for hunting and fishing. I also have a feeling if I give some one a find and then they see me out in the woods somewhere alone something could happen you just never know if someone is still mad or not.
So many people would probably like to get back at that person who fined them for example shooting a deer out of season.

There is also so many pros for being a Game Warden like I would be in the outdoors for most of my jobs. I would get so much knowledge of the outdoors and how to survive and also self defense. And to be able to keep Maines wildlife in check.

There is so much talk about how there are not as many deer as there was 20 years ago and so many people think they know why they think coyotes. I can tell you right now that there part of the problem but they are not the whole problem. The big problem is the turkeys. Have you noticed that there are so many turkeys around lately? They are the big problem they are weakening the deer herd by eating all the food that is on the ground. After turkeys go through a part of the woods it looks like a bull dozer has gone through. Again they are the reason the deer population is going down, they weakening the deer herd then when the coyotes get hungry they just pick out the weakest deer and its easy picking for the coyotes. So its not all of the coyotes fault its mostly the turkeys.
Another reason I believe the deer population is going down is because of car crashes with deer. Last year my brother got 2 does that were hit by a car. There was plenty more to. Also last year a couple weeks after deer hunting season a deer was hit by a car not to far from my house and the word was it was a 11 point buck.

When Games Wardens first start out they make 35,000 dollars a year. Thats pretty good for just starting out at age 21.

Below is a web of questions that I have thought of for becoming a Maine Game Warden

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Game Warden

         All my life I have been interested in Maines wildlife, from animals to fish to the trees. In the last couple years I have found a job that does that . That job is to be a Maine Game Warden. I believe becoming a Maine Game Warden will allow me to do what I love to do and that is to be around nature. A Game Warden's job is to protect the wildlife from the people who are taking advantage of it and doing illegal stuff towards these animals. They enforce the laws of hunting, fishing and trapping.
          Game Wardens play a huge role in todays world because if we did not have them there would be a much smaller population of all animals. We would have less animals because people take advantage of the animals. So if we did not have Game Wardens some of these would probably go extinct.
           To become a Maine Game Warden you have to be pretty knowlegable regarding fishing, hunting and the outdoors. Also you have to be able to work alone in remote places and be open to moving to a different part of Maine. To be a Game Warden you have to have a High School diploma and be 21 of age.
            Becoming a Maine Game Warden would be really beneficial because it would let me gain knowledge about the wildlife that is around us. This would really help me with my long term goal because my long term goal is to make a good living provide for my family and be very knowledgeable in everything I do. So this would be a great start for the my long term goal.
            There are so many laws for hunting, fishing and trapping. There are so many people that obey them and so many that don't. Thats why we have Game Wardens so they can catch the people that are disobeying them. Like there are so many people that poach deer and part of these game wardens job is to find those people.
            History of Maine Game Wardens goes back to 1880. The reason the maine game service occurred is because two men were caught killing a doe in the wrong season. So it was early that next year people started to think of people to be like police but only for the animals. So thats how they came up with game wardens.