Sunday, November 25, 2012

Becoming A Game Warden Notes

 "Migratory Game Bird Hunting." Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>.

Game wardens mainly try to test the hunters by putting decoys out to see if the obey the law or not.
There seeing if they respect the law or not.
They usually get at least one every time.

The only thing I don't really like about game wardens is that if you get sopped your usually leaving with a ticket because they will try and find any little violation even though its not a big deal. I know that's there job but I would think they be more lenient on minor violations.

Game wardens in some areas have general law enforcement authority which means they can affect arrests for most crimes including traffic, and other general violations of the law.

Game Wardens can search with or without warrant.

Game Wardens are employs of the state or the government.

Timmons, Bronwyn. "10 Facts About Game Warden Jobs." EHow. Demand Media, 02 Dec. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>.

Duties of Game Wardens.
Enforce all laws
Protect wildlife
make sure every body is taking animals legally.
Then in winter make sure people are fishing correctly
They also make sure very body has registered the snowmobiles they are using.

Pros of Game Wardens
Get to keep some of the things they assign you when you become a game warden.
Game wardens are in charge of enforce all state and federal laws regarding boating, hunting and fishing in their patrol area.

Read more: 10 Facts About Game Warden Jobs |

Game wardens are in charge of enforce all state and federal laws regarding boating, hunting and fishing in their patrol area. Game wardens may also have to perform the seizure of any fish or game caught in violation of the fish and wildlife code.

Read more: 10 Facts About Game Warden Jobs |
Health, vision, and dental insurance are also given along with flexible benefits and long-term care options. Insurance is usually very affordable because it is given at a group rate. Some states offer several packages to choose from, depending on type of coverage, amount of deductible.

Some game wardens do not have to pay for there injuries the companies take care of that for them.

Anoher pro is that there office is in a truck thats usually were they spend most of there time so if its raining out or snowing or cold they usually just stay in there warm truck that they are given by the comapny unless they get a call.

There isn't many workers so some call might be really far away. And they have to go to those because there isnt many people on call.

It takes a long time to start the job. Many months of training.

Many old Wardens say this is not a easy job takes lots of hard work and dedication

Game Warden Facts:

They need to know every law and how to handle it.

Need to know everything about how to survive and the wildlife that sourounds that area

According to the Bureau's statistics for May of 2010, there were 7,240 fish and game wardens. Of these, 6,330 were hired by state governments, while the other 910 got jobs with local governments. They had a median hourly salary of about $24 and about $50,000 in yearly income.

In terms of raw numbers, Georgia and Florida are neck and neck for supplying the most jobs for fish and game wardens. Texas is 3rd, and Tennessee and Louisiana round out the top 5 states for jobs in this field.
Training and qualifications vary for fish and game wardens. You should contact agencies that do the hiring to see what kind of qualifications they are looking at for job openings. To give an example, Texas has its own Game Warden Training Center. You must have at least a bachelor's degree in any major to qualify for the training center, and things such as background checks and physical fitness are factors in selecting cadets for the training center. Eligibility requirements will vary by state.


Just recently there has been shooting in wells that occured and game wardens had to rush there to see what was the matter and 2 guys were hunting the same deer and one guy shot twice at the deer and the other guy shot once and the guy that shot twice killed the other man with his second bullet.

So this is a example of what game wardens can run into anytime of the day


  • Game wardens are in charge of enforce all state and federal laws regarding boating, hunting and fishing in their patrol area. Game wardens may also have to perform the seizure of any fish or game caught in violation of the fish and wildlife code.

Read more: 10 Facts About Game Warden Jobs |


  • Game wardens are in charge of enforce all state and federal laws regarding boating, hunting and fishing in their patrol area. Game wardens may also have to perform the seizure of any fish or game caught in violation of the fish and wildlife code.

Read more: 10 Facts About Game Warden Jobs |
 and it can be so tragic but this is there job

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