Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Research Notes

Phone companies, such as Verizon and AT&T, will give out a 15 to 20 percent discount on plans per month with additional discounts on phones.

Stanley, Nina. "The Benefits for a Fish & Game Warden." EHow. Demand Media, 04 Aug. 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

Fish and game wardens are in the same pay range as police officers and detectives. Pay range depends on level of achievement and title. In May 2006, the median pay range for officers fell at $44,000 per year compared

 to a supervisors pay range averaging at $63,000 per year. The highest 10 percent earned well over $100,000 a year, while the lowest 10 percent in the field made less than $34,000 a year.
As a public employee, benefits are usually calculated through eligibility, years of service, and highest average compensation. Retirement benefits can be vested depending upon years of time served. Some states have special retirement plans just for peace officers.
"Explore Careers | ISEEK." Explore Careers | ISEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.
Fish and game wardens have many diverse duties. Many people imagine it as a glamorous job. After all, they catch dangerous poachers and ride on horseback, right? Not so much. While wardens still enforce the law, they also do things ranging from rescuing a trapped salmon on its way to spawn, to teaching first graders how to fish.First and foremost, fish and game wardens monitor wildlife populations. The term "wildlife" applies to animals, such as deer and wolves, that are not raised by humans. 
Wardens need to know if there is to much of one animal or to little. Wardens gather data through research and observation. If they find an irregularity in the number of animals, fish and game wardens try to correct the problem. If the number of animals is low, wardens recommend changes to protect animals. They may do this by improving the animals' habitat or by changing laws. If the number of animals is high, wardens must determine how to decrease the number. In addition, wardens must determine whether the change in the number of animals is a long-term event or just a one-year change. 


Protect wildlife from poachers.
They help in search and rescue.
They help with teaching kids the importance of obeying the law.
Issue tickets and citations or arrest people who violate laws.
Photograph damage, record other evidence and estimate financial loss for property owners.
Recommend changes in hunting and trapping rules to obtain balance of wildlife and habitat
Teach others laws
Doesn't matter what the weather is a game warden has to do his job.
A high school Diploma 
have at least an associate degree; and
complete short-term on-the-job training. 
You could expect to work 40 hours or more for a week with a salary as low as 24 dollars a hours

In this job you will need to be able to many things but the most important thing to be able to do is problem solve because in this job so many problems come up and your usually alone so you have to be independent and choose the best thing for the situation.

Game Wardens don't only protect animals they also:
 enforce othe laws
Check licenses
Help with search and rescue
And so many other things like that

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